As summer winds down, many pool owners are looking to drain their pools, hot tubs and fountains before cooler months.

When chemically treated water enters surface waters, it can be toxic to wildlife and fish. Before draining your pools, follow these best practices: 
• The best option is to pump water to a drain or sink in your home so it may be treated before going to the river. In most cases, the sewer rate is based on water use when you fill the pool, so you will not be charged an additional fee. 
• If discharging to a storm sewer, let water sit for two weeks after last chemical treatment. Skim all leaves and algae from the surface and test the water (it should be near neutral) before discharging.
• Using the same steps above, water that is free of chemicals can be used for watering of home gardens or lawns. Make sure not to allow water to drain onto a neighbor’s property.
• Remember, only clear water should be disposed of in storm sewers. Any solid material should be disposed of in the trash or compost.

For more information, contact Ohio EPA's Division of Surface Water at (614) 644-2001.