Call Public Works - (419) 448-5430
General contracting licenses can be completed at the link below.
Paper forms are available upon request.
There is a $25.00 fee for the license, which can be paid by check in person or mail to Tiffin City Hall, 51 E. Market St., Tiffin, OH 44883. (There are no fees for renewing a registration unless a contractor fails to renew their registration by Jan. 31 of the following year.)
Contact the Engineers department for permit information, (419) 448-5425
Call Public Works - (419) 448-5430
The Engineer’s office (419) 448-5425 and Fire Chief (419) 448-5444
1st floor of the Police department, down the hall from the dispatch window, (419) 447-2323
City Administrator – Ordinance #521.12 stating that your tote/trash for pick-up must not be out more than 18 hours before or 18 hours after scheduled pick-up. (419) 448-5402
City Administrator – violation of City Ordinance No. #521.11. Which states 5 business days from date of posting this must be cleaned up or the City will clean-up at owners expense. (419) 448-5402
Call Public Works - (419) 448-5430
Violation of City Ordinance No. #521.11. Which states 5 business days from date of posting this must be cleaned up or the City will clean-up at owners expense.
Police Department (419) 447-2323
This is City Ordinance No. #903.05. Contact the Police Department 419-447-2323.
Police Department – City Ordinance No. 505.08. (419) 447-2323
Zoning Inspector – (419) 448-5425. City Ordinance No. 1305.07-1305.12.
City Engineer – (419) 448-5425
Mobile Food Vendors must obtain a license and apply for a permit to utilize any of the City’s designated Mobile Food Vendor locations. For questions, call Tiffin City Hall at (419) 448-5401.
Any solicitor or peddler wanting to work in the City of Tiffin shall obtain a license from the Chief of Police. Applications can be obtained at the City of Tiffin Police Department, and a completed application requires valid state-issued identification as well as a license fee.
It is unlawful for any solicitor or peddler to enter any premise and knock at the door or ring the doorbell of any residence, house, apartment or other dwelling in the City that appears on the "Do Not Knock Registry" or upon which there is posted at the entrance a notice which reads "No Solicitors," a "Do Not Knock" sticker or similar phrases that clearly prohibit peddlers or solicitors on the premises unless they have previously been invited upon the premises by the resident.
The Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council ("NOPEC") establishes and maintains for the City of Tiffin a “Do Not Knock Registry.”
Any resident may request NOPEC to place them on the Registry by submitting a written request from a form supplied by the City, or by submitting a request online to
It is unlawful for any solicitor or peddler to enter any premise and knock at the door or ring the doorbell of any residence, house, apartment or other dwelling in the City that appears on the "Do Not Knock Registry" or upon which there is posted at the entrance a notice which reads "No Solicitors," a "Do Not Knock" sticker or similar phrases that clearly prohibit peddlers or solicitors on the premises unless they have previously been invited upon the premises by the resident.
The City of Tiffin has 17 citizen-led boards and commissions that help to provide guidance and move projects forward in our community. Committee members are appointed by the Mayor or President of City Council to serve in those functions.
In addition, there are various boards that are made up of members of the City of Tiffin Administration and staff and City employees or appointees also serve on a number of boards in Seneca County or through the State of Ohio.
In accordance with the Ohio Revised Code, all offices of The City of Tiffin comply with Open Records & Records Retention Provisions. Copies of these policies are available for inspection in the Mayor's Office.
City of Tiffin Public Records Policy
To file a records request, please contact the Mayor’s Office at (419) 448-5401 or by email to [email protected].
For Police Records, contact [email protected] or make an in-person request 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.
For Fire Department Records, fill out a records request form or call (419) 448-5444.
Snow Emergency Levels are county-wide and set by the Seneca County Sheriff. To receive emergency alerts to your mobile device, sign up for the Seneca County Wireless Emergency Notification System (WENS) by texting SenecaAlerts! to 69310 or clicking this link.
Parking is restricted on designated streets during snow emergencies or when snow exceeds two inches (Ord. 303.08-A). These restrictions are announced by the Mayor and are in place to allow for snow plows to more easily clear the roads.
As much as possible, regular updates on inclement weather will be posted to the City’s Social Media channels and can be found at the Seneca County Sheriff’s Facebook Page.
Seneca County’s COVID-19 Community Level is set by the Seneca County General Health District.
Counseling and recovery services in and near Tiffin can be found at
Residents may obtain curbside trash and recycling services through Rumpke, which has a contract with the city of Tiffin for those services. Contact Rumpke at (800) 828-8171 or
All owners of residential units (three units or fewer) are required to obtain solid waste and recyclable materials and collection, transportation and disposal services from the collection contractor. Owners of residential units shall be permitted to discontinue collection services on a temporary basis while a residential unit is unoccupied because of extended vacations of three months (one quarter) or more, or when the residential unit is vacant, upon notification provided to the collection contractor. Owners of residential units that are unoccupied or vacant shall not be charged for collection services when the contractor has been duly notified. Under no circumstances may an owner of a residential unit contract for residential solid waste and recyclable materials transportation and disposal services with any person, firm or corporation except with the collection contractor that has been granted a franchise by the City for residential units.
Commercial units and multi-family buildings (four units or more) may contract with a different commercial hauler that is licensed through the City of Tiffin.
City of Tiffin Codified Ordinances Chapter 934
Other commercial haulers may also be sought for a temporary basis such as such as remodeling services. Roll-off dumpsters are to be left on private property, but can be placed in the public right of way or on-street parking space if proper permit is obtained through the Public Works Department.
Contact the Public Works Department (419-448-5430) or the City Administrator (419-448-5402)