Columbia Gas Public Affairs Specialist Benjamin Cutler released the following formation on Monday, May 8th in regards to the Miller Pipeline relocation project. 

Dear Columbia Gas Customer:
We are writing to notify that our contractor Miller Pipeline is set to begin a relocation project in Tiffin. Crews are installing approximately 600 feet of new pipe serving 4 residences on sections of Schonhardt Street (Coe, Park, Main, and Walker). There are also small pockets of work near Charlotte/2nd as well as Circular/Rebecca. This project is necessary to alleviate conflict with a planned city improvement project.

In terms of project sequencing…

  • Preconstruction work is largely complete. During this phase, residents would have noticed markers and flags cropping up in yards. These are to mark the locations of underground facilities. Ask kindly that everyone keep all markers in place until the work is finished.
  • Installation of the new mainline will begin the week of May 8.
  • Once the mainline is installed and put into service, crews will follow-up with service line replacements for individual homes. These take about 2-4 hours per property and include a brief service disconnection (generally an hour or two). Indoor meters will be relocated outside as well. Miller personnel will reach out to schedule an appointment for the disconnect, relight, and meter relocation (if necessary) with each property owner.

As for restoration, crews will temporarily restore all property to ensure safety and accessibility and then follow-up with permanent restoration as the project nears completion. Note, restoration may occur jointly with the city roadway project.

As for traffic, please expect some congestion in our work zones, but flaggers will be on-hand to get all motorists through safely. Further, crews will not block residents in their driveways.

Thanks for your patience and understanding. Please don't hesitate to reach out with questions, concerns, or any other special circumstances that we should be aware of.

My contact info is included below.

Benjamin Cutler - Public Affairs Specialist, Columbia Gas
216.215.4103 (call/text) [email protected]